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Soccer Balls, Jerseys Go To Uganda Students

Jun 18, 2023

Kate Domian of Kirkwood took nearly three dozen Kirkwood United soccer jerseys, along with soccer balls and a pump, to children in Uganda during her recent visit to the country with Engineers Without Boarders. | photo courtesy of Kate Domian

Kirkwood resident Kate Domian, a former player and current coach for Kirkwood United Soccer Club, recently visited Uganda with Engineers Without Borders to do preliminary work for a school the organization will build.

The school will be in Kavule, about an hour north of the capital. There are 345 students at the school, including 37 orphans, but only two classrooms. Engineers Without Borders’ goal is to build more classrooms and devise a method of collecting rainwater for the school’s use.

Domian, who graduated from Kirkwood High School in 2021 and now attends the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, took more than 35 Kirkwood United Club jerseys, soccer balls and a pump for the children at the school. The gifts were much appreciated by the children.

|photo courtesy of Kate Domian